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Division of Teaching and Research

The Division of Teaching and Research coordinates actitivities related to Engineering Education, Research and Continuing Education.


Office and Support Staff

- Office of Graduate Programs (or Graduate Studies Office)
- Office of Undergraduate Programs (or Undergraduate Studies Office)
- Office of Admissions
- Office of Research, Design and Continuing Education
- Library
- Office of the registrar
- Office of Counseling and Psychological Services
- Office Support Staff

Engineering Departments

- Foundation years Engineering and Basic Sciences Department (SE/1)
- Civil Engineering Department (SE/2)
- Electrical Engineering Deparment (SE/3)
- Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department (SE/4)
- Chemical Engineering (SE/5)
- Cartographic Engineering Department (SE/6)
- Nuclear Engineering Department (SE/7)
- Computer Engineering Department (SE/8)



Phone numbers: +55 21 2546-7002
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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